EMDR, Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing was developed by Francine Shapiro in 1987. EMDR allows people to heal from the emotional distress and symptoms as a result of an upsetting or traumatic life experience. This therapy has proven to provide quicker relief than other applied counseling methods, which makes it more popular. Generally the brain has the power to heal itself after a psychological trauma, but sometimes it gets blocked. By removing this block healing can take place. The ultimate goals is to decrease the intense negative emotions and body sensations through bilateral stimulations (eye movements). EMDR is effective with many symptoms such as anxiety, depression, panic, PTSD, emotional distress, anger, nightmares, phobias, flashbacks, insomnia and muscle tension. EMDR works effectively to help clients who have experienced complex trauma.
EMDR helps client uncover negative core beliefs about themselves, such as not feeling good enough, not feeling important, or feelings of being unsafe. Virtually we utilized a tapping technique to help yo uncover these beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs that you can apply to your life today! EMDR can address past trauma, recent traumatic events and fears of trauma in the future. It works well for fears, phobias, or mental blocks.
EMDR trauma, EMDR ptsd, Trauma therapist
Evidence suggests that more frequent scheduling of treatments sessions maximizes PTSD treatment outcomes. Intensives allow for a more rapid recovery of symptoms and negative effects of PTSD. EMDR Intensives are available and can be tailored to fit your needs. Often client's wish to have two to three sessions a week lasting longer than 60 minutes. This allows us to gather more information in the first session and begin EMDR processing all in the same day. Insurance will not cover EMDR intensives, but we can make progress quicker, thus reducing out of pocket expenses in the long run. Please inquire if you are interested in this service.( trauma therapist, emdr trauma emdr ptsd)
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